Set two generations before the destruction of Superman’s home planet, Krypton: The Complete Series follows a young Seg-El, the legendary Man of Steel’s grandfather, as he faces a life-or-death decision: should he let his home planet be destroyed in order to ensure the fate of his future grandson? In Season One, Seg fights alongside Earthly space-and-time traveler Adam Strange to save the future of his legacy from DC Super-Villain Brainiac. In the final season, Seg attempts to reunite a dispersed group of Rebellion fighters in his battle against the ruthless General Dru-Zod. How far will they go in pursuit of a better tomorrow? Exciting new characters, breathless action and thrilling worlds are the vivid hallmarks of these epic creation-story adventures.
Product Dimensions:
7.00 x 4.00 x 0.50 in
0.20 lbs
Shipping Dimensions:
7.50 x 4.50 x 1.00 in