Ozark Trail 31402 5-Gallon Solar Heated Camp Shower, Black The Ozark Trail 5-Gallon Solar Camp Shower, is a great addition to your outdoor adventure gear. No need to wonder when you'll take your next shower on your next camping trip as this shower is portable and can hold up to 5 gallons of water. Use the black side of the shower to absorb sunlight letting you take a nice warm shower in the great outdoors. The solar shower bag folds flat for storage while not in use. It is lightweight and makes it convenient to stay clean and comfortable on any outdoor adventure or camping expeditions. Perfect for the weekend tent camper or the daring backpacker. The .52 lb Ozark Trail 5-gallon Solar Camp Shower is versatile and great for a range of outdoorsmen.
Ozark Trail 5-Gallon Solar Heated Camp Shower
5 gallon water capacity
Warm the shower water with the power of sunlight
Includes hanging kit
Folds flat for compact storage and transport
Compact and easy to use
Convenient for you to take it to camp or outside.
Product Dimensions:
7.00 x 2.00 x 5.00 in
1.00 lbs
Shipping Dimensions:
7.50 x 3.00 x 6.00 in