Electronic Arts Sims 3 Island Paradise (PC)

Electronic Arts Sims 3 Island Paradise (PC)

$ 25 00
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SKU: VIP014633730128MN

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    • Be it by paddleboat or speedboat, your Sims can now leave port to discover new lands and explore like never before, from inter-island travel to discovering their own uncharted island
    • Create a family-friendly resort of waterslides and buffet tables, a romantic retreat dotted with minimalist cottages, or a singles resort featuring multiple pool bars where Sims can mingle and flirt. Choose and fine-tune your amenities, set your pric
    • See what surprises await under the sea as your Sims build their skills in snorkeling/scuba diving. Your Sims may find them on the shore of a new island or discover sunken or buried treasure.
    • New stilted foundations give your Sims the best of both worlds, a home that's partially on the water and partially on land. Build a resort, create travelling houseboats, and customize your very own island paradise for your Sims!
    • Requires The Sims 3 to play.

    Product Dimensions:

    7.50 x 5.31 x 0.56 in

    0.50 lbs

    Shipping Dimensions:

    8.50 x 6.31 x 1.56 in


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