Meet the device your whole family will love: Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite, the tablet thats made to be shared. With its compact 8.7" screen, Galaxy Tab A7 Lite is perfectly sized for entertainment on the go. Its sturdy metal frame is built to be brought along from the living room to your beach vacation, or wherever you want to take it.
- ONE POWER-FULL DEVICE: Binge away with a long battery life and plenty of power to keep up with the content you love — and then some with fast charging to help you juice up quickly on the go.
- PUT YOUR DEVICES TO WORK FOR YOU: Satisfy your appetite for entertainment in new ways with connectivity across your Galaxy devices. A dynamic interface lets you treat all your devices as one.
Product Dimensions:
8.70 x 0.31 x 4.91 in
1.00 lbs
Shipping Dimensions:
9.60 x 1.20 x 5.80 in