EverStart 1000 Watt Power Inverter with USB (PC1000E) in Yellow and Black

EverStart 1000 Watt Power Inverter with USB (PC1000E) in Yellow and Black

$ 99 00
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SKU: VIP681131275989MN

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It is equipped with a digital display that lets you monitor the overall power usage and also the amount of battery life used. It also features a battery alarm and fault interrupter which alert you in advance in case of any impending mishap. In addition, the short circuit protection, and overload protection secure your equipment from sudden electric surges and prevent other volatile disturbances from occurring in the circuit. Finally it also incldues a low voltage shutdown feature which prevents dead batteries from occuring. Battery clamps are included. Delivers up to 1000 watts of AC power when connected to a 12V battery with included battery clamps Single 2.1 amp USB port allows you to charge your phone, tablet and other Electronic devices LCD digital display shows power, watts in use, battery level Short circuit, overload, thermal ground fault, high and low voltage protection Low voltage shutdown prevents dead batteries

Product Dimensions:

9.40 x 4.70 x 2.80 in

10.34 lbs

Shipping Dimensions:

10.00 x 5.30 x 3.50 in


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